Aluminium Windows, Huntingdon

Aluminium Windows, Huntingdon

Our expert team deliver premium aluminium windows into homes in Huntingdon and the surrounding region. We offer a range of styles for all budget ranges and styles of property. Use our online quoting engine today to get a bespoke price or get in touch with our friendly team to learn more about the benefits of this double glazing range.

Replace All Your Doors and Windows and Receive a FREE Triple Glazing Upgrade and FREE Smart Security Alarm

50 %

Sale Ends 29th April and 0% Interest Free Must End Soon!

Why Choose Aluminium Windows For Your Huntingdon Home?

At T&K, we are your local aluminium window supplier and installer. We work with some of the most respected and renowned manufacturers within the industry, ensuring you get the very best installation for your home.

Aluminium windows come with a range of benefits that can improve the way your Huntingdon home looks and performs. Enjoy a durable investment that delivers superior levels of thermal performance, security and visual appeal.

Not just high performance, these aluminium windows can be customised in a range of ways. You have full control over the glazing, colour and finishes of your new installation. It’s never been easier to enjoy a new installation that seamlessly blends into your architecture or makes a bold impact in your neighbourhood.

If you would like to learn more about our aluminium windows and their many benefits, please get in touch with our team today. Give our friendly yet knowledgeable team a call on 0800 622 716 or fill in our online form.

aluminium window styles brackley

Thermally Efficient and Secure Aluminium Windows

Aluminium is an inherently robust material and will last for a long time without compromising on performance. This is why our aluminium windows make a fantastic alternative to timber or uPVC profiles. Fitted with advanced locking systems to ensure unwanted intruders are kept out of your Huntingdon home.

Another key benefit of our aluminium windows is the superior level of thermal performance they deliver to homes around your local area. The outstandingly low U-values will help you become more comfortable in winter and better ventilated during the summer months. You could find yourself saving money on your heating bills as you will rely less on your central heating to keep the space warm.

Get in touch with our team today to learn more about the security and thermal efficiency benefits your home will enjoy once you have installed our range of aluminium windows.

replacement aluminium windows brackley

Custom Designed Aluminium Window Styles

Every Huntingdon customer is unique and every home has its own design needs. That is why we let our customers have full control over their new installation. We offer a range of aluminium window  designs including tilt and turn, and aluminium casement window designs. We also offer over 150 RAL colours, so you can get a window that seamlessly fits your needs.

It’s not just the colour you can customise, we offer an impressive range of hardware and accessories to choose from. Browse our brochures to be inspired on your new installation. Alternatively, get in touch with our team today and we will offer impartial advice, talk you through our customisation range and help you achieve your design goals.


coloured aluminium windows brackley

Leading Customer Service Team

As a business, we have been supplying and installing premium aluminium windows in the Huntingdon area for over four decades. We believe we have succeeded for so long in the industry thanks to our leading customer service.

T&K delivers a loyal aftercare service after installing your new aluminium windows. Once your double glazing installation project has been completed by our efficient and experienced team, we will remain on hand to ensure it performs as expected and you are satisfied in your installation.

We are so confident in the durability of our aluminium windows, they come with a 10-year guarantee as standard. Should, in the unlikely event, that something goes wrong with your installation, our team will be on hand to rectify any issues.

T&K is a fully accredited installer by leading and trusted bodies, including Secured by Design and DCGOS. We’ve also been awarded top Trusted Trader status as a member of Which?’s Trusted Traders scheme which proves our dedication to premium installations.


Aluminium Tilt & Turn Windows Corby

Aluminium Windows Prices, Huntingdon

Use our online quoting engine to get a bespoke price on our range of aluminium windows. Simply input your specifications and enjoy a zero obligation price tailored to your requirements.

For more information on our double glazing and aluminium solutions, please give our friendly yet experienced team a call on 0800 622 716 or by using our online contact form.  We are happy to answer your queries and offer impartial advice.

With buy now pay later and interest free credit finance options available to our customers, improving your Huntingdon home couldn’t be easier with T&K. As a business, we are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

brackley aluminium windows prices

End of Financial Year Sale - PLUS Interest-Free Payment Plans

Up To 50% Off
Must End 29th April








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© 2024 T&K Home Improvements | Registered No. 02172185 | VAT Number: 576468196 - Registered in England and Wales – FRN 794188

T&K Home Improvements Limited of 2-6 Huxley Close, Park Farm South, Wellingborough, NN8 6AB act as a credit broker and not the lender. Credit is provided by Novuna Personal Finance, a division authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Credit is subject to application and status. Terms & conditions apply.

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